Unbranding, it appears from my research, is a term used to describe a fix, meaning one or more of the following:

The brand has been somehow damaged. The Value Jet plain crash is an example of this. Photo used under Fair Use

The market is saturated and cannot support the same shop over and over again. Starbuck’s has been opening new locations named after the street address in an effort to capture fresh markets. Photo used under Creative Commons

The decision makers in the organization decide that the brand is in need of revision or update. Photo used under Pulic Domain







My idea of unbranding, in the context of this discussion, goes more to the question raised by John Freeman in the previous post when he said that he “hated brands.”  The comment was made in the context of a discussion about storefront design.  My interpretation of this is that he hated the uniformity, the lack of surprise, even the visual dominance of the well known brands.  This describes a store design problem that is related too, but not the same as “unbranding” as a fix.

Known Brand

Known Brand

Known Brand

Known Brand

Known Brand

Known Brand